Broker agnostic with Spring Cloud Stream
Example of Kafka producer and consumer (also Reactive) with Spring Cloud Stream. Error handling with retry and DLQ.
Last published posts
Example of Kafka producer and consumer (also Reactive) with Spring Cloud Stream. Error handling with retry and DLQ.
Migrating a classic Spring Boot app to a GraalVM native image. My experience.
Let's challenge these two approaches with load tests!
Centralized security with Spring, example of OAuth2 Client and Resource Server and session management with Hazelcast.
Automatic Context Propagation with the spring-webflux-mdc library..
How to integrate JWT access token and refresh token with Spring Security.
Testing DynamoDB with a LocalStack container shared between test classes.
Centralized Retry configuration with Policy on HTTP statuses in response.
Which new features to exploit.
WebFlux with functional (RouterFunction) and traditional (annotation based) endpoints.
What is a Pod and how to create it.
What is Kubernetes and installing a Cluster via Kind.
Docker Compose example for a Java app with Postgres database.
WSO2IS as Key Manager in WSO2AM.
How to expose and isolate containers.
How to make the filesystem of a Docker container persistent.
Example of Dockerfile to create a Docker image of a Java app.
What are containers and basic operations with Docker.
How to declare a bean, types and DI considerations.
Singleton Pattern, how to make it Thread-safe, how to handle possible subclasses.
LAZY Fetch vs EAGER Fetch and possible optimizations.
Persistence Context, Persistence Unit, EntityManager from container and from application.
OneToMany, OneToOne and ManyToMany in JPA.
Let's see how to implement a level 3 Restful Web Service of the Richardson Maturity Model.
What is the Richardson Maturity Model and HATEOAS.
Let's see how to monitor a Spring Boot app in a simple way.
Example of integration test with Spring Boot, JUnit 5 and H2 as in-memory database.
Example of unit test with JUnit 5 and Mockito using test drive development.
How to manage easily a Spring Batch app on several nodes with the Shedlock library.
The selection (if-else).
A first simple (procedural) program in Java.
Integrate Swagger 3 with the OpenAPI specification into a Spring Boot App.
Introduction of Java language.
A brief Intro on what programming is.
An easy and fast way for develop an entry level backend.